Red, yellow, orange or green, bell peppers are a staple in a wide variety of delicious dinners, from stir-fries to cheesy casseroles. But while you may use them a lot in your meals, these veggies aren’t exactly the easiest to prepare. If you don’t know how to cut a bell pepper the right way, you’ll often end up with seeds all over the counter, weirdly uneven slices or, worse, a lot of the pepper wasted due to awkward cuts.

Don’t give up yet, though. Turns out there is a right way to prep peppers…and it’s a lot easier than you’d think. Follow our step-by-step tutorial below on how to cut bell peppers for less mess in meal making.

Show off your knife skills with these recipes.
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How to Cut a Bell Pepper

pepperPhoto: Taste of Home

Step 1: Rinse it off

Wash off a pepper by rinsing it under cool water, then dry.

Pro tip: Even if the peppers are pre-washed, it is best practice to give them another cleaning just to be safe.

pepperPhoto: Taste of Home

Step 2: Start at the top

Lay the pepper on a cutting board and slice off the top of the pepper (the part with the stem), about a half-inch down. You can also cut off a half-inch on the bottom, too, but if you want to maximize the amount of pepper, it is absolutely OK to leave the bottom on.

pepperPhoto: Taste of Home

Step 3: Remove the insides

Using your fingers (yes, really!), pull out the flesh, ribs and seeds from inside the pepper. Another option is to use a small knife to cut around the inside edge of the pepper in a circular motion, detaching the ribs carefully from the actual pepper first. This makes it easier to remove the innards cleanly and smoothly. If any seeds are left behind, simply turn the pepper upside down over the trash bin and shake to remove.

pepperPhoto: Taste of Home

Step 4: Halve it

Place the pepper on its side on the cutting board and use a sharp knife to slice it in half, lengthwise (from top to bottom).

pepperPhoto: Taste of Home

Step 5: Slice, slice, slice

Take each half and slice it into thin, evenly sized strips. You can then leave the strips as they are (use them in a dish like baked chicken fajitas or just serve them raw with hummus) or continue by lining up the strips and cutting across in rows, forming perfectly diced pieces. If you like this, try our favorite old-fashioned stuffed bell peppers.

Voila! Now that you know how to cut bell peppers the right way, you have a ton of recipes at your disposal. Pickled bell peppers, anyone?

Want your peppers stuffed instead?
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