Some days a granola bar and yogurt for breakfast just isn’t going to cut it. I want something hot. And satisfying. And it has to be pretty good for me, too! What I really want is to treat myself by hitting the drive-thru for an English muffin breakfast sandwich. But that can make me late for work (sigh). And poorer. And less healthy, too, if I give in to any temptations that catch my eye on the Dollar Menu.

And then I found the perfect solution. I prepped my own Egg McMuffin copycat breakfast sandwiches at home, and now I’m never going back! Give ’em a try for your crew, and neither will you.

(Check out our other McDonald’s copycat recipes.)

How to Make Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches

These breakfast sandwiches are a lot like a fast food chain’s—but made with just a few inexpensive ingredients, right in your own kitchen! You can customize the sandwiches for different family members. Just vary the toppings, nix the meat, or double up on egg portions to create a more satisfying sandwich. (Hint: Whole wheat English muffins work fine here, too…but they’re a little smaller and not quite as fluffy.)


  • 12 large eggs
  • 2/3 cup 2% milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 12 English muffins, split
  • 4 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 12 slices Canadian bacon
  • 12 slices Colby-Monterey Jack cheese


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Step 1: Prep the eggs

Preheat your oven to 325°F. Crack the eggs into a large bowl and whisk with the milk, salt and pepper until blended. Pour into a 13×9-in. baking pan coated with cooking spray. Bake for 15-18 minutes or until set. Cool on a wire rack.

Step 2: Split, toast and butter the muffins

Yup, it’s worth those extra steps. Toasting gives you a crispier muffin—even after its tour through the freezer and microwave, on its way to your plate. Use a regular toaster or bake the split muffins at 325°F for 12-15 minutes, until they’re lightly browned.

Next, spread each muffin bottom with a teaspoon of softened butter. Skip this step and you’ll save about 34 calories and 4g fat, but your muffin may be a bit soggy. Besides tasting yummy, butter is good at keeping juices out of all those little nooks and crannies. (Did you know it’s perfectly safe to leave butter on the counter?)

Step 3: Make your assembly line

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Cut the eggs into 12 portions. Layer muffin bottoms with Canadian bacon, an egg portion, and a cheese slice (tearing the cheese if needed to fit). Replace muffin tops.

Final stop on the assembly line: Wrap sandwiches in foil. Label, date and freeze the breakfast sandwiches in a freezer container or bag.Taste of Home

To Use Frozen Sandwiches

Remove the foil. Wrap sandwich in a paper towel and microwave at 50% power until thawed, 1-2 minutes. Turn it over and microwave at 100% power until hot and a thermometer reads at least 160°F, 30-60 seconds. Let the sandwich stand for 2 minutes before serving.

For more breakfast foods, our easy breakfast ideas will make every morning easy.

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