Sometimes, baking for an event takes a bit of planning ahead. Here’s a look at how to freeze a homemade pie in advance—and how to bake it later.

Can You Freeze Pie?

Yes! You can absolutely freeze a pie to enjoy later. However, it’s important to know what types of pies freeze well and which pies should be enjoyed within a few days (or immediately after baking) and stored in the refrigerator.

Freezer-Friendly Pies

We find that fruit pies freeze the best. Find a recipe for cherry pie, apple pie, strawberry pie or blueberry pie and chances are, it will freeze well.

Pies That Don’t Freeze Well

Most custard-, mousse- and cream-based pies typically do not freeze well because the contents separate after thawing. That can create a soggy mess. Instead, these tasty pies can be eaten right away or safely stored in the refrigerator for about four days.

How to Freeze a Pie

Freezing food is simple, and pie is no exception. Follow these simple steps to make your labor of love ready for another day.

Step 1: Assemble

Put together the pie as if you were going to bake it in the oven.

Step 2: Wrap

Place the unbaked pie in the freezer, uncovered, until slightly firm, which will only take about 2-3 hours. Remove the pie from the freezer. Tightly wrap the frozen pie in 2 or 3 layers of plastic wrap, or enough for all sides to be completely covered. Then, place in a large freezer bag and seal it shut.

Step 3: Freeze

Return the wrapped pie to the freezer. For a fresh-tasting dessert, freeze the pie no longer than 2 months.

Editor’s Tip: Don’t forget to label the pie with a date and description!

How to Bake and Serve a Frozen Pie

It’s finally time to enjoy the pie you’ve been (im)patiently waiting to demolish!

Step 1: Prep

Remove the pie from the freezer. Carefully brush off any ice crystals if there are any. Brush the crust with egg wash. (To make egg wash, mix one cracked egg with 1/4 cup water.

Editor’s Tip: Do not thaw the pie, as this will result in a soggy crust and watery filling.

Step 2: Bake

Preheat the oven to the recipe’s specified temperature. Bake as instructed, adding at least 40 minutes to the normal baking time.

Step 3: Enjoy

Carefully remove the pie from the oven. To check if your pie is fully baked, insert a knife about 2 inches deep in the center, remove and carefully feel the temperature of the knife with your finger. Once it’s warm, your pie is ready to cut, serve and enjoy!

Up Next: How to Freeze a Cheesecake

Indulge in These Classic Pies
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