If you’re still a little bummed that your acceptance letter from Hogwarts never came, this is the news you’ve been waiting to hear.

Well, OK—we’re not going to transport you to a magical castle filled with secrets and mystery. (And, at a time like this, even the Hogwarts students would be social distancing). But we can let you know about an awesome program that’ll inspire your inner Potterhead.

Through Hogwarts is Here, a Harry Potter fan website, you can take magical classes like Defense Against The Dark Arts, Potions and more. And best of all, it’s totally free.

Check out our favorite Harry Potter kitchen gear, too.

You’re a Wizard!

That’s right, Potterheads: At Hogwarts Is Here, you can enroll in classes for all grade levels. First-years, for example, typically enroll in seven iconic wizarding courses—Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology, History of Magic and Transfiguration—and you’ll complete assignments, quizzes and exams. You’ll also be excited to hear that yes, you can play Quidditch.

Sound fun? We certainly think so. And if you don’t want to be a student, you can be a House ghost, Auror or several other roles.

If you’re concerned about the authenticity of it all, rest assured that the experience is created by those who are as passionate about the Wizarding World as you are. The site’s been running since 2014, offering us Muggles the chance to experience the magic that captured us all.

Take Me to Hogwarts

So, how do you get to Hogwarts? Well, start by pouring yourself a glass of pumpkin juice. Then, head over to Hogwarts is Here and create a user profile. You’ll decide which house you’re in—no Sorting Hat here, tragically—and join a dorm with your classmates. It’s the perfect quarantine boredom-buster.

Up Next: Magical Harry Potter-Inspired Recipes
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