Recipes by Ingredient

Browse recipes by ingredients like chicken, beef and chocolate, and search for seasonal favorites like apples, asparagus, pumpkin, strawberries, zucchini, tomatoes and more.

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    Parsley Smashed Potatoes

    2 reviews

    I love potatoes but hate the work involved in making mashed potatoes from scratch. So I came up with a...

    Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting

    5 reviews

    I once sent this rich chocolate cake to my kids' teachers, and it vanished, so I had to make another...

    Lemon-Thyme Bread

    9 reviews

    Lemon and thyme go together like milk and cookies. Fresh thyme is best, but if you must use dried, reduce...

    One-Pot Spaghetti Dinner

    24 reviews

    All you need is one pot to make this meal that features a simple homemade sauce. Allspice adds a unique...

    Juicy Peach & Strawberry Crumb Pie

    9 reviews

    You've had peach pie and strawberry pie, and maybe even peach-strawberry pie. But throw in some garden-fresh basil and you're...

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    Pumpkin Pie Shots

    1 review

    Grown-up treats that feature canned pumpkin and butterscotch schnapps will lure guests back for more. The gelatin shots are made...

    Roast Pork Loin with Rosemary Applesauce

    4 reviews

    I made this for a family get-together on my husband's birthday. The homemade rosemary applesauce adds an extra layer of...

    Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread Cake

    8 reviews

    The aroma of baking gingerbread stirs up such warm memories. This cake looks festive and is even on the lighter...

    Grandma’s Seafood Chowder

    9 reviews

    My grandmother makes this every year for Christmas morning—the only time we ever had it. Why wait, when you can...

    Potato-Bean Salad with Herb Dressing

    My veggie garden inspired this creamy combo of beans, potatoes and fresh herbs. I toss them with a ranch-style dressing...

    Orange Spice Carrots

    17 reviews

    To get my son to eat veggies, I mix and match flavors and spices. My slow-cooker carrots with orange and...

    Buttermilk Peach Ice Cream

    1 review

    My mother's family owned peach orchards in Missouri. I currently live in Tennessee, a top consumer of buttermilk. This summery...

    Bourbon Ham Balls

    2 reviews

    Grandma Nette was the queen of ham ball recipes. I make them salty-sweet with a bourbon and vinegar kick. Serve...

    Coconut Macaroon Pie

    7 reviews

    Coconut macaroons are divine, but they can be a little messy to make. I turned the batter into a pie...

    Grandma’s Potato Salad

    32 reviews

    This salad is a must for the Fourth of July feast. The red potatoes hold their shape and texture even...

    Pumpkin Whip

    13 reviews

    Even though this dessert is quick to fix, it has a creamy pumpkin taste and golden harvest look...just like traditional...

    Ham and Potato Frittata

    Easy and delicious, this hearty ham and potato frittata is appreciated whenever I've served it...breakfast, lunch or dinner. Reheated or...

    Cheese Grits

    1 review

    As a comfy side dish, cheese grits have fantastic potential but sometimes need a flavor boost. For add-ins, try red...

    Squash and Lentil Lamb Stew

    1 review

    My family lived in New Zealand many years ago. Every Sunday my mother made a lamb stew—it was Dad's favorite!...

    Five-Spice Glazed Smoked Chops

    1 review

    I started out fixing another recipe but didn't have all the ingredients, so I came up with this one! The...

    Apple Raisin Bread

    2 reviews

    I've been making this bread for many years. It smells so good in the oven and tastes even better. I...

    Broccoli-Ham Hot Dish

    9 reviews

    One of my best friends shared this recipe with me. My family loves it because it includes one of our...

    Blueberry Streusel Coffee Cake

    66 reviews

    This blueberry coffee cake smells wonderful as it bakes and tastes even better. The moist cake filled with juicy berries...

    Spicy Rice Casserole

    3 reviews

    Stirring up pork sausage, wild rice and jalapeno to taste makes this a terrific side. Or serve it with cornbread...

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    Apple Crisp Pizza

    27 reviews

    While visiting the bakery at a Wisconsin apple orchard, I tried this tempting treat. At home, I put together this...

    Huckleberry Cheese Pie

    12 reviews

    To us Idahoans, huckleberries are a treasure. My family enjoys this recipe a lot, and I serve it as a...

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    Summer Dessert Pizza

    18 reviews

    Especially refreshing during the summer months, this dessert lets fresh fruit shine. —Ida Ruth Wenger, Harrisonburg, Virginia

    Chocolate Pudding Pizza

    4 reviews

    My sister Brenda and I made up this recipe while talking on the phone. My family loved the classic pairing...

    Crispy Pretzel Bars

    9 reviews

    I often make a big batch of these peanut butter-flavored cereal bars on days that I don't want to heat...