Fondue Recipes

Our favorite fondue recipes will get your party started—and keep it going. There’s cheese fondue for an appetizer, oil fondue for main dishes like meats and veggies, and chocolate fondue for dessert.

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    Apricot Pineapple Jam

    3 reviews

    Dried apricots, crushed pineapple and grapefruit juice create a memorable jam. The juice is what makes the jam taste so...

    Lime Mint Jelly

    2 reviews

    This holly-green jelly won a Best of Show at the county fair and I was so thrilled. Flavored with lime,...

    Rosemary Jelly

    1 review

    This deliciously different green jelly gets its flavor from an unusual source: savory rosemary. The herb adds a refreshing zip...

    Winter Apple Jelly

    2 reviews

    —Maria Weber, Toledo, Ohio

    Kickin’ Red Pepper Jelly

    1 review

    Peppers grow like wild fire in our hot Missouri summers. That's when I make spicy jelly to give as gifts...

    Pretty Peach Jam

    9 reviews

    This homemade jam has been a favorite in my family for as long as I can remember. It's a delicious...

    Three-Berry Jam

    6 reviews

    I sold jars of this sweet berry jam at craft fairs. It's a wonderful way to preserve summer gems. —Bernadette...

    Homemade Christmas Jam

    7 reviews

    A few years ago, I hit upon the idea of presenting family and friends with baskets of homemade jam as...

    Quince Orange Marmalade

    1 review

    Quince sweetens this marmalade as it simmers and fills the house with its distinctive autumn aroma. It’s great on toast...

    Holiday Cranberry Jam

    6 reviews

    This cranberry jam is one I make at Christmas for family and friends. I especially like serving it for brunch,...

    Very Berry Spread

    1 review

    Two kinds of berries make this jam deliciously different. I always keep some on hand.—Irene Hagel, Choiceland, Saskatchewan

    Strawberry Jam in a Jiffy

    5 reviews

    Most people put jam on homemade biscuits, but not me. I love slathering a little butter and this amazing strawberry...

    Cheese Lover’s Fondue

    3 reviews

    French bread cubes and apples are the perfect dippers for this classic fondue, made with white wine and Swiss and...

    Raspberry Mint Jam

    1 review

    I have so much mint growing in my yard that I add it to almost everything. What a revelation it...

    Peanut Butter Chocolate Fondue

    8 reviews

    Whenever the family wanted to do a little celebrating over the years, I would make this fondue. It’s fun gathering...

    Berry-Basil Limeade Jam

    1 review

    My husband and I have fun picking fruit. We ended up with too many strawberries, so it was time to...

    Zucchini Peach Jelly

    7 reviews

    I like to use this jelly as a condiment. It's always a conversation piece—everyone wonders about the "green" ingredient! This...

    Honey Blueberry Cobbler Jam

    3 reviews

    I work at a farmers market, and honey blueberry jam is my top seller. You've gotta taste it with fresh...

    Chunky Cherry & Peach Preserves

    1 review

    Out of all the jams I make, this is my grandmother’s favorite. She anxiously waits for late June to come...

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    Luscious Blueberry Jam

    8 reviews

    This perfectly spreadable blueberry jam boasts a beautiful dark color with a sweet seasonal flavor. —Karen Haen, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin

    Peach Raspberry Jam

    1 review

    "Back when my children were young, I put up about 100 jars of jams and jellies each summer, including this...

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    Caramel Fondue

    3 reviews

    My brothers can't get enough of this caramel dip. We gather around the table, dipping pieces of pound cake and...

    Cinnamon Apple Jelly

    1 review

    When I host a Christmas sit-down dinner, I adhere labels on small jars of this jam to use as place...

    Chocolaty Mocha Fondue

    It is so much fun dipping pieces of pound cake, fresh strawberries and other fruit into this heavenly melted chocolate...

    Blueberry/Rhubarb Breakfast Sauce

    13 reviews

    My husband's aunt gave me this recipe, and it's become our family's favorite breakfast topping. Sometimes I'll substitute cherry pie...

    Peach Rhubarb Jam

    24 reviews

    This quick jam is easy to make, especially for beginning jam makers. It also makes a great gift for friends...

    Raspberry Plum Jam

    1 review

    The thing I like best about this jam is the way the plums stretch the flavor of the raspberries. I...

    Blackberry Apple Jelly

    2 reviews

    August is the busiest month of the year on our small farm—that's when we're harvesting sweet corn, pumpkins and pickling...

    Rhubarb Raisin Marmalade

    At a retreat in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies, I sampled a marmalade combining rhubarb and raisins. I loved...