How to Dispose of Cooking Oil and Grease the Right Way

Updated: Jan. 31, 2023

We love a good fried treat, but tossing the oil after frying can be a pain. Learn how to safely dispose of your used cooking oil for a cleaner, safer kitchen.

From finger-licking fried chicken to deep-fried treats inspired by summer fairs, cooking fried foods can leave a lot of oil behind once you’re finished in the kitchen. Before you toss that oil in the trash or let it drain down your sink, you’ll want to read these disposal options that are safe for the environment and your kitchen.

An oil spray bottle can enhance your healthy cooking game and add mouth-watering crispiness to your favorite dishes. This one is Amazon’s favorite.

How to Dispose of Cooking Oil

Before you begin to consider disposal options, check with your local waste department to see if they have any guidelines or protocols for getting rid of cooking grease. Some areas have places where you can recycle leftover oil, so check with to see if that is an option for you. If not, follow the following steps, being sure to let your oil cool first.

  • The container method: One way to safely toss oil is pouring the cooled liquid into a disposable container (think old sour cream or cottage cheese containers) and sealing it shut. You can then simply throw the container away.
  • The freezer method: You can also pour leftover oil into an old can and place it in the freezer until it’s hardened. Once the oil is firm, you should scoop it out and into the trash with a spoon. If you’re using smaller amounts of oil you can also allow the oil to harden in a coffee mug, scoop into the trash and then wash the mug as usual.
  • The plastic bag method: Finally, you can always toss cooled oil into a plastic trash bag, provided it already has some debris inside. Old paper towels, veggie peels and more can help soak up some of the grease so you don’t have such a mess.

Whichever method you choose, don’t ever attempt to toss oil while it’s still hot—this can be dangerous! Also, you should never pour oil down the drain or toilet. Oil has the potential to clog your drains and damage your pipes, which can leave you with a nasty mess and a big repair bill.

Can You Pour Grease Down the Drain?

Nope! It’s one of the things that should never go down the drain. If you pour grease or used cooking oil down the drain, it will harden and stick to the inside of your pipes. This contributes to the buildup of “fatbergs,” enormous masses of fat, oil and grease that may cause an entire pipe to clog up over time. It can also leave you with a stinky garbage disposal.

When to Save Frying Oil for Later

If you’re planning to deep fry again in the future, you don’t need to worry about disposing the oil. Save the oil for later. To keep it in ready-to-fry condition, strain the oil through a coffee filter or a few layers of cheesecloth to remove any crumbs or bits of food. Store the remaining oil in a cool, airtight container in a dark area of your kitchen.

There’s a limit to how many times you can reuse oil, though, so give it a sniff test before use. If it smells rotten or rancid, then it’s not safe to cook with. It’s important to note that each time you reuse the oil it deteriorates and is more susceptible to burning.

Now that you know cleanup can be simple, we hope you feel like tackling more fried treats, like our tasty homemade potato chips.

Our Best Deep Fryer Recipes
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