Nutrition Tips

This guide is packed with straightforward nutrition tips to help you eat well and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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10 Iron-Rich Foods

If you’re tired of being tired, you may need to add more foods high in iron to your diet. An...

11 Healthy Breakfast Ideas That Aren’t Eggs

You don’t have to resort to a sad bowl of bran cereal to start your day off right.

5 Healthy Chips You Can Buy (And 4 You Should Avoid)

Is there such thing as a healthy chip? We scoured the grocery aisles to find out.

10 Tricks That Cut the Fat in Your Food

Reducing some of the fat in your food doesn't mean you're stuck with lettuce and carrot sticks from now on....

5 Tiny Swaps That Will Make Your Coleslaw Healthier

Looking for simple and tasty ways to make a healthy coleslaw recipe? These dietitian-approved ideas help you create a slaw...

16 Healthy Breakfast Foods You Probably Didn’t Eat This Morning

Ready for a fresh spin on healthy breakfast? Try thinking beyond traditional ingredients like oats or fruit.

7 Easy Ways to Make Healthier Mac and Cheese

You can make easy swaps to create a healthy mac and cheese recipe for dinner. Here's what to do!

8 Healthy Alternatives to Plain White Rice

While plain white rice isn't particularly unhealthy, it doesn't offer many nutritional benefits! Why not shake up your diet with...

Can Eating Apples Really Help You Lose Weight?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away…but can it also help you feel healthier? Here's what you need to...

The Best and Worst Condiments for Sugar Content

Sugar often hides in all those delicious condiments clinking in your fridge door. Find out which ones are maybe a...

Here’s What Really Happens to Your Body When You Use Energy Drinks

Before you pop open another can, you should know the not-so-innocent effects energy drinks can have on your body.

10 Easy Ways to Boost Recipes with Flaxseed

A registered dietitian nutritionist gives you the scoop on how to get the more of this superfood with some flaxseed...

13 Surprising Foods that Are High in Protein

Need a little extra protein in your diet? These high-protein foods pack in essential nutrients—and they aren't red meat.

10 Secret Hunger-Fighting Foods to Help Curb Cravings

Want to keep going all day long without stopping to snack? Try adding some of these healthy ingredients to your...

9 Ways to Get Protein When You’re on a Plant-Based Diet

Worried about getting all the protein you need on a plant-based diet? Luckily, there are loads of meatless protein-rich foods...

14 Foods High in Calcium (Besides Milk)

You’re old enough now that your mom isn’t nagging you at dinner to drink your milk for strong bones—but that...

9 Easy Ideas for Breakfasts That Help You Lose Weight

It might surprise you to know that small changes are the best way keep your weight loss goals on track!

10 Foods to Keep Your Thyroid in Check

Looking for more oomph during the day? Give some love to your thyroid—the body's energy regulator—by adding these mighty foods...

6 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Drink Orange Juice

A registered dietician weighs in on the good and not-so-good of this morning staple.

Is Whole Wheat Healthier Than White Bread?

We've all heard that whole wheat is better for us—but is that actually true? Here's what you need to know.

26 High-Fiber Foods You Should Add to Your Grocery List

Eating more fiber is easier (and more delicious) than you think, according to our dietitian. Just keep an eye out...

8 Things You Should Be Adding to Your Salads That You Aren’t Already

Spice up your salads with these fun and fresh ideas that will bring much-needed texture, color and flavor to a...

4 Surprising Health Benefits of Ginger

Believe it or not, the health benefits of ginger are simply undeniable. Here's why you need to try it for...

How Much Protein Is in Chicken?

How much protein is in chicken breast, thighs and other cuts? It depends on the portion size. Here's a closer...

8 Healthy Ways to Add Nuts to Your Diet

Keep your heart happy and strong with these healthy tips for your diet.

8 Heart-Healthy Foods You Should Always Have On Hand

It's easy to make heart-healthy recipes when your pantry is stocked with the right ingredients.

The World’s Most Nutritious Foods, According to Science

With so many good foods out there, it's hard to know what to eat. Here are the 10 best foods...

If You Want To Lose Weight, Cut Out These Two Foods

A new study found that cutting way back on certain foods (and adding others) can make a huge impact on...

The 10 Rules of Forever Weight Loss

The true struggle in the world of weight loss is keeping weight off once you’ve lost it. Follow this clear...