Soup Recipes

Choose from a large selection of ingredients when making these irresistible soup recipes, including gazpacho, potato soup, vegetable soup, lentil soup, chicken soup, chowder, turkey soup, broth, bean soup, ham soup, barley soup, meatball soup and more.

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    Green Bean Soup

    9 reviews

    This colorful soup is delicious any time of year. When I can't get homegrown tomatoes and green beans, I've found...

    Cheeseburger Soup with Rice

    15 reviews

    I don't have a lot of extra time to spend in the kitchen, so I appreciate that I can cook...

    Lima Bean Soup

    22 reviews

    A yearly Lima Bean Festival in nearby West Cape May honors the many growers there and showcases different recipes using...

    Chicken Vegetable Soup

    3 reviews

    I experimented with different variations, and this is the best chicken vegetable soup recipe I came up with. It's especially...

    Cucumber Soup

    4 reviews

    This chilled soup makes a wonderful appetizer or side on a hot summer day. Bright bursts of dill provide pleasant...

    35 Classic Tomato Soup Recipes

    A comforting tomato soup recipe is one of the most versatile meals – mix in meat or veggies, pair it...

    Super Simple 5-Ingredient Soup Recipes

    Craving a comforting soup, but low on pantry supplies? No worries! These delicious soup recipes come together in 5 ingredients...

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    How to Make Chicken Broth at Home

    Learning how to make chicken broth is almost as simple as opening up a can of storebought.

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    35 Creamy Soup Recipes

    Smooth and silky, rich and satisfying, sometimes even cheesy, these creamy soup recipes are liquid joy in a bowl.

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    18 Lemon Soup Recipes We Love

    Perfectly light and delicate, these lemon soup recipes will brighten up any meal. Enjoy takes where lemon is the star...

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    79 Flavor-Packed Healthy Soup Recipes

    These healthy soup recipes may be lower in calories, fat and sodium, but they are big on taste!

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    34 Winter Soups That Go from Stove to Table in 30 Minutes

    When you're in a hurry, you don't need to settle for the canned stuff. These quick winter soups are on...