Holidays & Events

It’s time to celebrate! Get inspired to go above-and-beyond with our special recipes for holidays and events that take you from appetizers to dessert.

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    Burrata Caprese

    Creamy burrata cheese and ripe tomatoes are a match made in heaven. This is a perfect appetizer for the summer months when tomatoes and basil are in season. Serve by itself or with crostini. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen

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    The Best Green Smoothies

    Our green smoothie recipe is far from the humdrum spinach health drinks of yore. It’s nutrient-packed and bursting with bright

    Beer-Battered Fish

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    Make your own fish fry at home using a classic beer batter. If you're not a drinker, non-alcoholic beer can...

    Creamy Tortellini Soup

    In a soup slump? Swap out plain-old chicken noodle for fresh, unexpected ingredients and textures. Our recipe for creamy tortellini

    Candied Cherries

    There’s nothing quite like a perfectly scooped ice cream sundae drizzled in chocolate sauce and bejeweled with candied cherries. The

    Garlic Scape Pesto

    Capture the flavors of spring with this homemade pesto sauce. Whether you toss with pasta, use as a sandwich spread...

    Make & Take Recipe Contest

    Enter the Make & Take Recipe Contest by June 30, 2024.

    Bakewell Tart

    It’s time to queue the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, pour yourself a cuppa and fill your home with


    If you asked us not too long ago, we’d tell you there’s nothing better than warm buttermilk biscuits on a

    Pear Tarte Tatin

    You know those cold nights when you need a warm dessert to keep you cozy? These are the nights to

    Canadian Butter Tarts

    If you’ve never heard of butter tarts before, you’re missing out. These perfectly flaky treats are sure to be a


    Bunuelos are a delicious and tasty fried Mexican treat. They are popular during the holidays but are good to eat...

    Macaroni Pie

    The Barbados Food and Rum Festival is an opportunity for the island’s chefs and bartenders to show off their skills

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    Mexican Street Corn Salad (Esquites)

    You may have heard of elotes, the cream-slathered ears of corn with cheese, lime and spices, but do you know

    Easter Deviled Eggs

    You may not want to hide these Easter deviled eggs around the yard, but you’ll certainly want to eat them.

    Chicken Taquitos

    These crispy chicken taquitos can be baked or deep-fried. Serve them with your favorite dippers like sour cream, salsa or...


    You know it’s the Christmas season when panettone sits at the end of the grocery aisles. But the fruit-studded bread

    Custard Tart

    I love English custard tarts and make them frequently. I changed it up a bit and added fresh lemon for...

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    Pan de Jamon, Venezuelan Ham Bread

    If you’ve never had Venezuelan pan de jamon (ham bread), you’re in for a treat. This Christmas bread is layered

    Smoked Whole Brisket

    Barbecue enthusiasts will love bringing the smoker out to cook up this smoky, tender and juicy smoked brisket. This recipe...

    Strawberry Banana Muffins

    These muffins combine the great moisture of bananas with the vibrant pops of fresh strawberries. Packed with flavor and wholesome...

    Spicy Margarita

    Add a pinch of heat to your favorite tequila cocktail with this spicy margarita. Muddled jalapeno and a rim of...

    Pumpkin Martini

    Take your favorite fall beverage and turn it into a cocktail! This pumpkin martini combines the warm, autumn flavors of...

    Easy Corned Beef Hash

    The perfect savory side to a sweeter breakfast, corned beef hash is a mixture of ground beef, potatoes, onions and...

    Blackberry Margarita

    Switch things up from the classic cocktail with this tart, sweet blackberry margarita. Creating a homemade blackberry syrup gives a...

    Skinny Margaritas

    This skinny margarita has plenty of fresh flavors with fewer calories. The lighter version of this classic cocktail skips the...

    Peach Margarita

    Enjoy a sweet, refreshing cocktail with this fruit-infused margarita. Peaches are muddled to form a juice, while tequila brings the...

    Prickly Pear Margarita

    For a unique cocktail that you’ll want to come to again and again, this prickly pear margarita is for you....