12 Dollar Tree Organization Hacks That Just Make Sense

Updated: Oct. 19, 2023

The organization pros on Pinterest inspired us to come up with ideas of our own. Here are the best Dollar Tree hacks to help spruce up your living space!

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Dollar Tree Store Organization pantry storage
TMB Studio

Pantry Storage Bins

We’ve all seen the super satisfying home organization TikToks. It’s impossible not to, right? Well, if you’re looking to tidy up your pantry, Dollar Tree is the spot to be. Peruse a selection of colorful bins and boxes to stash your bulk Amazon snacks and pantry staples. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to snag a few chalkboard labels.

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dollar tree hamper
TMB Studio

DIY Toy Organizer

Do you have a couple crazy kiddos wreaking havoc in your home? It happens to the best of us. It feels like everywhere you turn, a new toy has flung itself out of place and onto the floor. Why not gather all your family’s soft toys in a Dollar Tree hamper? It’s compact but flexible enough to fit everything you need. You might even get the kids to help clean up!

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dollar tree easy chord organizer
TMB Studio

Easy Cord Organizers

This one might be the most genius Dollar Tree organization hack I’ve seen in a while. We all have a thousand cords for our phones, watches, tablets, speakers…you name it, we charge it. But leaving the cords to fend for themselves in a drawer means you’ll have a crazy knotted mess and a whole lot of frustration. Here’s an easy fix: a glasses case for each cord.

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dollar tree fridge organization bin
TMB Studio

Fridge Organization Bins

The amount of times I’ve seen people with beautifully organized fridges has really given me the motivation to do it myself. The thing is, I’m not in the market to pay $10 each for a bunch of bins. Lucky for us, Dollar Tree can do the trick at a fraction of the cost. Grab a few containers of various sizes and depths to revamp your fridge and make it oh-so-organized.

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wrapping paper
Iryna Veklich/Getty Images

Wrapping Paper Holder

If you haven’t seen this hack before, it’s about to save you a lot of trouble. It’s simple—grab an over-the-door shoe organizer and cut the bottoms from every pouch except the bottom row. Now all you have to do is slide your wrapping paper in for a neat, visible space-saving container.

Did you know you can also store wrapping paper in a garment bag?

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dollar tree gift bag stand
TMB Studio

Gift Bag Stand

I always knew there’d be a practical use for magazine holders, even though I don’t own many magazines. Well, problem solved! Since we’ve already got our wrapping paper sorted, let’s focus on gift bags. Just grab a few magazine holders to store gift bags of various types and sizes. You can easily fold them to fit nicely, and they’ll all be visible for quick and easy picks.

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Dollar Tree Store snack Organization
TMB Studio

Snack Storage Cubes

These little guys will work wonders for a coffee station. Use them to store coffee creamers next to your coffee pot along with treats for friends and guests. You can also place a few cubes on a charcuterie board to hold small fruits and vegetables.

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dollar tree linen closet bin
TMB Studio

Linen Closet Bins

Dollar Tree has a solid collection of fabric bins and boxes for you to choose from. Pick a color theme and have at it—grab a few different sizes and shapes to fit your washcloths, towels, soaps and toilet paper in your bathroom closet. Having everything organized and in its place makes your life a heck of a lot easier. And, let’s be honest, it’s ridiculously cute.

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dollar tree stackable under the sink bins
TMB Studio

Stackable Under Sink Bins

Much like your pantry and closet, the area under your sink can get a little messy. Typically, you’ll find cleaning products, sponges and gloves galore. But, with so much down there, it can be hard to find out exactly what you need. (Especially when it’s gotten pushed to the back.) Use Dollar Tree’s large array of bins and trays to keep the area under your sink clean and clear.

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dollar tree bathroom organizer
TMB Studio

Utensil Bathroom Bins

You can use utensil trays to keep your bathroom in order. One for your extra toothbrushes, one for your cotton balls, toothpaste, bobby pins, you name it. It’s a total pain rummaging through a multitude of things looking for the needle in the haystack. But organize now and your future self will thank you.

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Junk in a drawer
Johnrob/Getty Images

Clear Bins for Your Junk Drawer

We all have a junk drawer. It’s a staple of any busy household. Personally, mine’s got birthday candles, rolling pins, Sharpies and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figurine. No shame! But if you’re looking to get your junk in check, grab a few clear bins to separate the messy junk into, well, nicely organized junk.

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dollar tree cupboard risers
TMB Studio

Cupboard Risers

If you only you could see everything right in front of you! Well, grab a few plastic risers, and you’ll fix that problem in no time. The risers use all the space in your cabinet while giving you an easy view of whatever’s on the shelf—plates and bowls, spices, staple ingredients.