Confetti Squash Casserole

Total Time

Prep: 55 min. Cook: 60 min.


6 servings

Updated: May. 07, 2024
We call this Confetti Squash casserole because of the specks of green throughout this brigh yellow casserole. Never a holiday passes without this side dish staple!


6 yellow squash - cut into cubes
2 zuchinni - cut into cubes
1 diced onion
Salt for water
1/2 stick butter
1 large egg
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
4 cups Cornbread stuffing mix
Salt & pepper to taste


Boil squash and onion in salted water until tender. Drain. In mixing bowl, mash squash and onion with a potato masher or fork. Add butter, cheese, egg and stuffing mix. Add salt & Pepper. Blend until thoroughly mixed. Mixture will still be very liquidy. Pour mixture into pan coated with non stick spray. Bake at 350 for about 35-40 minutes or until center is set and casserole is bubbly around edges.