10 First Aid Remedies You Can Find in Your Pantry

Updated: Jul. 20, 2022

Who knew so many things in your pantry could double as your first aid kit?

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first aid kit bag
Shutterstock / Little Noom

Life can surprise you: You never know when one of your kids is going to get stung by a bee or when you might accidentally burn your finger on your curling iron or get a nasty sunburn on the patio (we have solutions!). Fortunately, there are so many natural remedies that you can find right in your pantry. Not only is it a money saver, but it’s all natural and you can’t get better than that!

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baking soda into the bowl with wooden spoon
Shutterstock / al1962

Baking soda for bee stings

Baking soda isn’t just for cleaning, though it is a cleansing superstar, it can also neutralize the bee venom and in turn reduce the pain, itching and swelling that comes soon after. Simply make a thick paste of baking soda and water and apply generously to the affected area. Cover it with a bandage for at least 15 minutes and reapply as necessary.

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Lemon slices on the old wooden table.
Atiwan Janprom/Shutterstock

Lemon on burns

This trick saved me when I had an unfortunate encounter with a sizzling cast iron skillet back in my waitressing days. Just grab a wedge of lemon and place it on the affected area. The juice from the lemon will stop the burning sensation immediately. However, once it is removed, the burning will return, so keep it in place for a few minutes.

Psst! These lemon desserts may cheer you up, too.

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Coconut oil and fresh coconut
Shutterstock / picturepartners

Coconut oil on scrapes and scratches

After thoroughly washing the area, rub some coconut oil over the wound. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties make it an ideal remedy for small cuts and scratches.

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Pouring aromatic honey into jar, closeup
Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Honey for allergy relief

If you suffer from allergies to pollen and other environmental factors when seasons change, try taking a spoonful or two of local honey every day—local honey is key! Over time your allergy symptoms should lessen as the honey acts in the way immunotherapy does: introducing the allergen to your body in small doses until your body builds immunity to it.

And did you know you might want to steer clear of supermarket honey? Find out why you should opt for local when you can.

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onion syrup - way home on a cold
Shutterstock / borzywoj

Onion sugar syrup for a cough

This one sounds weird, but it works! To make the syrup, slice two yellow onions. Then layer the onion slices with sugar (two tablespoons at a time) into a glass jar. Let this rest for at least 12 hours and then strain the syrup left behind. Take this by the teaspoon to fight a cough.

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Apple cider vinegar effective natural remedy for skin itch, fungal infection, warts, bruises and burns

Vinegar for sunburn

Soak a hand towel in a mixture of vinegar and water (1:1 vinegar to water) and lay over the sunburned skin. You can also use the same mixture in a water bottle to spritz over the affected area. Mixing vinegar with baking soda to make a paste will help reduce the swelling and fluids caused by the sun.

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Used Tea Bag
Shutterstock / eriyalim

Tea bags for pink eye

Teas are high in antioxidants as well as astringent compounds. Therefore, using a tea bag (after you make this yummy sunburst spiced tea) is a great solution to treat pink eye. The tannins found in the teas also help to reduce swollen tissue and narrow blood vessels—making it a great remedy for a black eye.

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Garlic Cloves and Bulb in vintage wooden bowl.
Shutterstock / Marian Weyo

Garlic for earaches

Heat a tablespoon of olive oil to just about body temperature. Transfer to a small bowl and add crushed garlic. Let it rest a few minutes to come down to body temperature. Place a few drops on a cotton ball and place in the ear for 30-40 minutes.

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Red cayenne pepper on ceramic bolw on blue pastel wooden table background
Shutterstock / Klahan

Cayenne pepper for headaches

Cayenne pepper can be used topically to relieve your headache. Add 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne to four ounces of water and mix to dilute. Dip a cotton swab in the mixture and coat the inside of your nostrils with it. It will have a slight burning sensation, but make sure to stop it becomes too much. Once the effects of the cayenne wear off, you’ll notice your headache is gone.

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Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for ringworm

The antifungal properties of the apple cider vinegar make it a great solution for treating ringworm. Soak a cotton ball in undiluted vinegar and apply three times a day.

Keep apple cider vinegar on hand—we’ve got ten useful ways to use it at home.