Coffee Brewing Mistakes  You Should Avoid



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Brewing a great cup of coffee seems easy, but how often does yours taste like it came from a local coffee shop?  ...Never?

A bold and delicious cup  is simple to make at home  if you avoid these common mistakes.

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Using Warm Water

Many brewers don't reach 195-205 degrees (the ideal temp). Switch to a French press or pour-over method for better flavor.

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Using Old Grounds

Buying pre-ground beans is a no-no. Once ground, they start to release their flavors. The longer you wait to brew, the more the flavor will diminish.

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Pouring into a Cold Cup

When the water is on its way to boiling, just pour some of it into the cup to heat the mug while the coffee’s brewing.

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Using the Wrong Cup

A thick-walled cup maintains the coffee’s steaming-hot temperature for longer. Find a diner-style white coffee mug, preferably made of ceramic.

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Brewing with Stale Beans

Ideally, you want to use beans that have been roasted within the last three weeks. Coffee roasters that sell their beans on site will often label the bags.

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Eyeballing Measurements

Measuring grounds allows you to control the strength of the cup. A good rule of thumb is to use 8 heaping teaspoons for a standard  34-ounce French press; about 1 heaping teaspoon for every 4 to 5 ounces. 

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Using the Wrong Milk & Sugar

Many coffee shops have those packets of raw sugar, a sweetener that simply tastes better than white. In terms of milk, try a whole milk or half-and-half.

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Following the Wrong Ratio

Ever try a cup of coffee and think "that’s really weak"? Start with two heaping tablespoons of coffee per cup, then modify if needed.

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Using Poor- Quality Water

It’s tempting to use tap water because it’s free and easy, but you really will taste a difference when you switch to filtered water.

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Reusing Grounds

If you’re only an occasional coffee drinker, make sure that you remove the used grounds. If they sit, they can get moldy.


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Storing Improperly

Store your beans in an airtight container. Stash it  in a cool spot with low humidity, like a cupboard  or pantry.


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Forgetting to Clean

Wash the carafe, filter basket and lids in soapy water after every use. Once a month, run a brew cycle with equal parts water and vinegar.


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