If you take a walk around the neighborhood, many people will be decorating for the season. But some will be using colorful porch lights to help draw attention to certain social issues. For example, red porch lights bring awareness to women’s heart health. But that’s not the only spotlight on the block! Here’s a closer look at the purple porch light meaning.

What Does a Purple Porch Light Mean?

If you ever see a purple porch light, it’s there to bring awareness to incidents of domestic violence. It can go undetected for far too long, especially if the victim feels they cannot leave due to a dangerous response from the attacker.

The Purple Light Nights movement not only aims to increase awareness of domestic violence, but also show those who suffer that there are safe spaces and people who stand with them. The movement’s motto is, “Shine a light and save a life.” Sometimes, survivors themselves will also use a purple porch light to stand in solidarity and show it can happen to anyone.

Watch for purple porch lights in October—Domestic Violence Awareness Month—and throughout the year.

It’s Not the Only Color for a Cause

Purple probably won’t be the only porch light color you’ll see. People use green porch lights to show support for our U.S. veterans. And blue porch lights, like blue Halloween buckets, are to help bring awareness to people with autism.

You may find that some neighbors use colored lights just for seasonal decoration or to add some flair, but remember that each color can also stand for something more meaningful. That’s a spotlight I can get behind!