Every state in the US has its own unique (and sometimes weird) state fair food. One thing’s for sure though—we love our snacks crunchy and super-duper crispy! The folks at Disneyland have caught on to our love for all things fried and introduced their latest and greatest snack yet—a fried pickle corn dog served with a side of peanut butter.

It’s Not as Weird as It Sounds

Believe it or not, peanut butter and pickle sandwiches have been around for a while. Apparently, the combination became popular during the Great Depression, and it’s even featured on the menu at New York’s Peanut Butter and Co.!

Disney’s version of this famous combo features a hot dog stuffed inside a pickle, which is then covered in pancake batter and deep-fried. We’re not sure how it tastes, but the combination of sweet, sour and savory seems sort of appealing. The texture of the crunchy batter against the soft hot dog and creamy peanut butter definitely sounds like it might work. Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!

This isn’t even the strangest combination we’ve heard of—professional chefs come up with odd combinations that somehow work out all the time!

Where Can I Get It?

Disneyland is slowly opening up again, so if you’re in the area, you can grab one of these at the Blue Ribbon Corn Dogs Cart in the Downtown Disney District. If peanut butter isn’t up your alley, you can always ask for ketchup and mustard, or even opt for a regular ‘ol hot dog.

And if you’re feeling the sting of missing out on delicious fried food, you can always recreate your favorite state fair recipes at home.

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