First and foremost, we want to say we love Baileys. They give us everything to love about Irish cream, from the classic Baileys to Irish cream chips we can’t stop baking with. But if you’re as much of a Baileys connoisseur as we are, you know the bill for that creamy goodness racks up fast. What if we told you Costco has a budget-friendly copycat?

Kirkland Irish Cream liqueur just hit shelves at a Costco near you, and the price is almost as delicious as the taste.

It’s Our New Favorite Irish Cream

Your at-home coffee cocktails don’t have to break the bank anymore, thanks to Kirkland Irish Country Cream. Every bottle contains 1.5 liters of the good stuff with 13.9% alcohol per volume. One sip of this beaut will have you tasting all the flavors we love from Baileys, like creamy chocolate, ooey-gooey caramel, nutty hazelnut and, of course, Irish whiskey.

Costco’s Irish cream was first spotted by @CostcoBuys on Instagram, and shoppers automatically fell in love. According to commenters, Irish Country Cream tastes identical to Baileys, just without the steep sticker price. Sounds like we’ll be stocking up.

This is just made for dousing our best Irish cream desserts.

Run—Don’t Walk—to Costco Now!

Whip out your Costco membership card and get to the nearest location ASAP. At just $9.79 per bottle, Irish Country Cream is bound to sell out fast. It may be worth it to give locations a ring first, to make sure they sell alcohol.

If Costco’s Irish Country Cream is still out of budget, you can always make your own Irish cream. Maybe we’re biased, but we think our recipe tastes the best.

Next, check out the Irish pub decor items you need for Saint Patrick’s Day.